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Help us Reach Our Goal
to install the

Many of you know Eva, the beautiful black and white Nigerian Dwarf goat who hangs at the rear of the hike. She suffers from joint pain, although it doesn't stop her from coming on the hikes almost every day! The one time we left her behind, she yelled at us from the barn the whole time. LOL 


While she is safe and can manage in the herd now, it won't be long before we need an assisted living wing - one where senior goats like Eva, who have slowed down and need some space from the antics of the younger ones, can find respite.


We aren't planning a large project - 

just a two bay structure that we can use for our Old Goats when they're ready. We know these things take time to come to fruition, so we are aiming for the Fall to raise enough funds to install the "Old Goats Abode"


We would be extremely grateful for your support of our fundraising campaign to build a comfortable and safe shelter for our senior goats.

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12 Sholam Road

Napanoch NY 12458

1 (845) 280-5272

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©2020 by Frederick Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary

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